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School Address

225 S. Marsalis Ave.

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We conquer excellence!

We pride ourselves on challenging students to perform to their highest potential.


Become a volunteer today!

hands stacked on top of each other

Brighter Bites

Brighter Bites is a nonprofit that delivers fresh fruits and vegetables directly into families’ hands. Brighter Bites is rooted in the belief that if we give our kids something better to munch on, they will. And the lives they lead will be as vibrant as the foods they crave. With the help of Brighter Bites, Botello is able to distribute fruits and veggies to our families. If you have not applied please do so in the main office with Ms. Martell.

Dress Code

Student daily dress code, the required colors, and opportunities for students to be our of the required uniform

Upcoming events

On the Horizon

recent highlights

news from our community

Custom Tab treatment - Option One


eager to learn and driven to excel
